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Publicly available repositories

You can making an entire learning repository publicly accessible via a public search interface. Public users can search, browse, view learning object details including metadata and reviews, and download learning objects. Public search engines index content in public repositories.

Note   All learning objects in a publicly accessible repository are publicly accessible as well.


Publicly available learning objects

You can make standalone learning objects available to users who do not have IDs and passwords for Learning Environment. This is beneficial if you want to open the learning object to metadata harvesting, share the learning object on a social network, or include it in a public repository.

Note   All learning objects in a public repository are publicly accessible as well.


Learning objective metadata

When you publish topics or modules from Content or Quizzes that have associated learning objectives, Learning Repository populates the metadata with the names of the learning objectives. These names appear in the taxon paths when you browse for learning objectives.

You and other users can then subscribe to RSS feeds by competency and learning objective to follow when new objects are added to the repository.

To make this work, your organization must have a taxon path that matches your learning objective's structure exactly.


Metadata and Learning Repository

Metadata is a collection of descriptors that describe a single quantity of information (data about data). Using metadata enables you to attach descriptive tags to your learning objects and files to provide a searchable context for the content you publish. Metadata can make the learning objects easier to find.

You can add metadata while publishing an object. After attaching metadata to a learning object or a file in Learning Repository, you can edit it in Learning Repository.


Learning Repository glossary

Complex Learning Object  A learning object that can have sub-objects (i.e., a module, or a course).

Course  A collection of modules.

Federated Repository  Repositories hosted by other institutions which you can access remotely (e.g. MERLOT, or those using the SRU (Search and Retrieve by URL) protocol).

Federated Search  Search of federated repositories (hosted by other institutions which you can access remotely).


Storing learning objects in Learning Repository

Learning Repository contains repositories, or online collections of learning objects. A learning object is an object or collection of objects that assists in the learning process (e.g., a topic, a module, a course, a quiz etc).

Learning objects are groups of files with associations between each other, meant to be handled and consumed collectively. For example, a course (a collection of modules), a module (a collection of modules and topics), and a topic (a collection of files) are considered learning objects.


About Learning Repository

A Learning Object Repository (LOR) is an online library for storing, managing, and sharing your learning resources (learning objects). A learning object can be a quiz, a presentation, an image, a video, or any other kind of document or file you use to create course content and learning materials for online learning.


Built-in Capture Portal tools: Web Capture and Producer

Web Capture

If you are unable to record a live event from your computer, or if a presenter does not have Capture Software, you can use Capture Portal's Web Capture functionality to record a live webcast from a web browser using a uniquely generated URL. Unlike Capture Software, Web Capture has limited functionality and should be used only in unique use-case scenarios (e.g. special guest online presenters; presenters with no access to Capture Software).



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