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Creating quizzes

Creating a quiz involves a series of steps. After you name a quiz, you can access its tab menus to define its general properties, restrictions, assessment, objectives, submission views, and reports setup.


Viewing quiz reports

You can view and export quiz statistics and reports to a CSV file for data analysis. The CSV file contains all pertinent information from the quiz so that you can query, sort, and evaluate the data without being connected to the learning management system. You must set up quiz reports from the Reports Setup tab for the appropriate quiz before you can view or export reports. See Creating quizzes to learn more about creating reports.


Viewing rubric statistics

Rubric statistics are recorded for each rubric association.

Rubric statistics for Competencies activities show the number of assessments completed, average level achieved, the percentage of users who chose each level (by criterion for analytic rubrics), and individual statistics for each user who was evaluated.

Rubric statistics for ePortfolio items show the number of completed assessments for the item.


Managing rubric sharing properties

  1. On the org-level Rubrics page, click the rubric you want to edit.
  2. Complete one of the following actions in the Advanced Availability section:
    • Select the Current Org Unit check box to share the rubric with the current org unit.
    • Clear the Current Org Unit check box and select Add Org Units to define specific org units below the current org unit to share the rubric with.

Creating analytic rubrics

Analytic rubrics allow you to assess a Competencies activity or ePortfolio item based on more than one criterion in a single rubric. With analytic rubrics, levels of achievement are displayed in columns and your assessment criteria are displayed in rows.



Instructor topics

Rubrics are used to evaluate an activity or item based on a predefined set of criteria. They help ensure that activities and items are evaluated fairly and consistently.


Viewing survey reports

You can export survey statistics and reports to a CSV file for data analysis. The CSV file contains all pertinent information from the survey so that you can query, sort, and evaluate the data without being connected to the learning management system. You must set up survey reports from the Reports Setup tab for the appropriate survey before you can view or export reports. See Creating surveys to learn more about creating reports.



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