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Downloading content

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can download individual topics or whole modules from the Content tool. You can also download all modules and topics in your course from the Table of Contents page in the Content tool. Downloading content to your computer is useful for viewing content offline. Your content downloads as zipped files and folders.



Learner topics

Use the Content tool to access course materials, complete required activities, and monitor your completion progress on topics contained within each course module.



Learner topics

Use the Classlist tool to view who's enrolled in your course, check users' online statuses, send email or pager messages, view shared locker files, and read their blogs if they have one. You can also use the Classlist tool to change user account settings, and send users a password reset link.



Learner help topics

A checklist contains important or required assignments, readings, or other items to complete. Each checklist contains one or more categories, into which checklist items are organized. For example, you might have an “Assignments” checklist with categories for written assignments and quizzes, both of which could have multiple items that you need to complete.


Editing events in Calendar

Note If you belong to a group within your course, you can manage Calendar events for your group.

There are a variety of details you can add to your event from the Create Event page. You can add these details while creating an event for the first time, or when you edit it.

Access editing options

Do one of the following:


iCal feeds

Use iCal feeds to access your Calendar events outside of the learning tool. With iCal feeds, you can view your course events in external calendars such as Microsoft Outlook® and Google Calendar®, and mobile devices such as iPhones, Blackberries, and Android phones.


Creating tasks

Use Tasks to keep your course events distinct from your personal tasks.

Create tasks

  1. Enter the name of the task in the Add an immediate task, Add an upcoming task, or Add a task field.
  2. Click the task name to add or edit a due date, add notes to your task, or delete your task.


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